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Express Consignment Clearance
No. Title Publish time
1 Is there any restriction for importing/exporting express consignments? 2022-08-25
2 What is On Board Courier (OBC)? 2022-08-25
3 What is “Simplified Declaration”? Is there any restriction for it? 2022-08-25
4 What are the regulations for filing simplified declaration (informal entries)? 2022-08-25
5 What is an "express carrier"? What are the requirements for registering as an express carrier? 2022-08-25
6 Is a Power of Attorney necessary for express consignment clearance? 2022-08-25
7 How do I pay import duties or charges for express consignments? 2022-08-25
8 What is the background and purpose of the express consignment clearance? 2022-08-25
9 What is the office hour for the express consignments? 2022-08-25
10 What are the categorizations of express consignments? 2022-08-25
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(Total 2 Page,11 Data)