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What is the background and purpose of the express consignment clearance?

With the steady growth of international trade and global investment, the application of more cost-efficient management techniques, such as the “just-in-time” and “zero inventory” systems, has become a critical element in the business process. This is especially the case for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which often have to survive on very tight profit margins. The longer Customs clearance takes, the higher the costs that traders have to bear.

With a view to further expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods, the Express Cargo Division was set up at the Taipei Customs Office in 1995, and customs officers have been working day and night shifts to provide 24/7 service since then. The objectives are to perform simplified procedures, efficient clearance and effective enforcement.



Contact point : Express Cargo Division

TEL :  +886-3-398-3123










Release date:2022-08-25 Click times:1066