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Taipei Customs Urges Passengers Not to Carry Heated Tobacco Products into Taiwan

Taipei Customs stated that the Customs has continued to intercept passengers smuggling heated tobacco products since the "Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act" was revised to include those products under control on March 22, 2023. Taipei Customs has seized around 110,000 heated tobacco products and has successively transferred to the department of health, local governments for review.

Taipei Customs further stated that a passenger carrying heated tobacco products in violation of the Article 15 and Article 26 shall be fined in an amount of no less than NTD 50,000, but no more than NTD 5,000,000 in accordance with "Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act". To reduce the probability passengers may carry those products into Taiwan, apart from repeatedly playing videos on TV of inbound baggage carousel, notice boards are placed in front of the check points of customs to remind passengers not to bring heated tobacco products into Taiwan.

Taipei Customs calls on passengers not to carry heated tobacco products, no matter for personal use or gifts, to avoid violating related regulations to be penalized. Relevant information could be found on the website of Taipei Customs (https://etaipei.customs.gov.tw/)/ Travel/ Arrival /Duty Free Exemption and Payment of Taxes. If there is any further questions, please feel free to contact Taipei Customs at 0800-311-006 for more information.

Issued:Secretariat Release date:2024-04-11 Click times:1190