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Inward Passengers Aged 18 And Over Are Entitled to A duty free allowance on 1.5 Liters of liquor products

Taipei Customs stated that the "Regulations Governing the Declaration, Inspection, Duty and Release of Personal Luggage of Goods of Inward Passengers", revised by the Ministry of Finance, has been effective from 25 January, 2025. A duty free allowance on liquor products for inward passengers aged 18 and over has been adjusted to 1.5 liters (1 liter alcohol from Mainland China), regardless of the quantity of bottles.

Taipei Customs further stated after the aforementioned revision, a passenger aged 18 or over is entitled to bring 1.5 liters (1 liter from Mainland China) of liquor products to be free of duties. In case inward passengers (residents/foreigners) carry the liquor product exceeding the duty free allowance, he/she is required to go through the Red Channel. In this regard, if a passenger carries the liquor products not exceeding the duty free allowance and there is nothing to declare, he/she may pass through the Green Channel.

The limits of liquor products for a passenger aged 18 or over to be allowed to bring into Taiwan are 5 liters (1 liter from Mainland China) in total. A passengers carries liquor products exceeding the volume of duty-free allowance shall declare to the Customs and pay the duties in excess of the volume. If liquor products carried by a passenger are more than 5 liters, an alcohol importer's license should be attached. Fail to declare to Customs or make a false declaration will be penalized in accordance with paragraph 4, article 45 of "the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act".

Taipei Customs calls on inward passengers to take notice of the aforementioned regulations. If there is any questions about customs declaration procedures, please feel free to contact Taipei Customs at 0800-311-085 for more information.

Issued:Secretariat Release date:2025-03-11 Click times:43