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What will happen if the winning bidder fails to pay and pick up the goods in accordance with the regulations?
  1. The security will be confiscated into the government treasury if the winning bidder fails to make the payment in the prescribed time limit (within 3 working days following the date on which the bids were won). Taipei Customs will further dispose the goods.
  2. Those who fail to pick up the goods within 1 month from the expiration of the allocated time limit (following the date on which the bids were won) will be deemed having given up the goods and the goods will thus be consigned to Customs or the custody of the warehouses designated by Customs.

 Contact point:Legal & Seizure Affairs Division

Tel: +886-3-383-4161 ext.4450

Issued:Legal & Seizure Affairs Division Release date:2023-08-31 Click times:502