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Can I carry animals/plants or the related products into Taiwan?

Almost all animals/plants or the related products are prohibited to carry into by passengers, except that a quarantine certificate is presented. However, the items are too many to be listed completely. If you have any questions about animals or plants, please contact the competent agency in charge: Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency Ministry of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; and any questions about importation of food products, please contact the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of  Health and Welfare, Executive Yuan, Tel: +886-2-2787-8000. Passengers carrying animals/plants or the related products shall proceed to the “Goods to Declare” counter (Red channel).

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

General Affairs Section, Inspection Division

Issued:Inspection Division Release date:2024-07-22 Click times:4982