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Are passengers allowed to bring electronic cigarette into Taiwan?

According to the announcement of the Health Promotion Administration (HPA), Ministry of Health and Welfare, electronic cigarette devices (e-cigarettes) and its liquids (e-liquids) are in violation of Article 15 of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act . Therefore, passengers are NOT allowed to carry e-cigarettes and e-liquids into Taiwan. People who are heading to other countries as next destinations and have short-term layover in Taiwan carrying such items must proceed to the "Goods to Declare/Customs Service" counter (Red Channel) and declare to customs upon arrival. In that way, such items could be deposited at the bonded luggage counter and be retrieved on departure.

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

General Affairs Section, Inspection Division

Issued:Inspection Division Release date:2023-09-22 Click times:17100