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What planeside release procedures should be followed for the inbound passenger to import a pet as an unaccompanied luggage?

1.According to the Article 8, Paragraph 2 & Article 11, Paragraph 2 of the Regulations Governing the Declaration, Inspection, Duty and Release of Personal Luggage or Goods of Inward Passengers, the pet as an unaccompanied luggage should be imported within 6 months before or after the passenger's arrival date. The unaccompanied luggage, with its value under NTD20,000, is exempt from duty payment.

2. The passenger shall fill out a declaration form when arriving at the airport for applying planeside release and duty exemption. In addition, the permission issued by Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency (APHIA), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)  , for the importation of the pet is also necessary.


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TEL : +886-3-393-8239、+886-3-393-8240、+886-3-393-8241











Release date:2023-09-14 Click times:964