Applicable cargos and responsible division
Ⅰ. General Import Cargos
1. Responsible divisions: Clearance Division I, Clearance Division II, and Jhuwei Branch.
2. Scope of Cargos
a. C1 cargos screened by the customs's computer system.
b. Cargos where no document scrutiny is needed after online review and verification by approval units.
c. C1 transshipment cargos to EPZs and scientific parks screened by the customs's computer system.
d. C1 bonded warehouse (distribution center) cargos screened by the customs's computer system.
e. C2 and C1 import cargos, bonded warehouse (distribution center) cargos and transshipment cargos.
II. Payment of Duty (for dutiable items)
1. Business hours for banks inside the customs: cash, online payment or Release Before Duty.
2. Other time: online payment or Release Before Duty.
III. Duties of Resident TIC Supervisors in Warehouses
1. 24-hour service by four shifts (available at Taipei Air Cargo Terminal and Far Glory Air Cargo Terminal).
2. 24-hour transshipment bill, surveillance, and sealing service for transshipment cargos to EPZs and scientific parks.
3. Reinforced patrol and inspection of warehouses and their entries (temporarily with existing manpower, and additional manpower will be considered based on actual situation).
4. After the 24-hour service is in place, the original surveillance fee for after-hour collection will be exempted.
5. The management of joint-locked warehouses still follows the existing regulations for the customs clearance of import/export warehouses.
IV. Duties of Warehouses
24-hours customs clearance, warehouse rent payment, and collection service (available at Taipei Air Cargo Terminal and Far Glory Air Cargo Terminal).
V. Duties of Airlines and Forwarders
Transfer data to the customs as soon as possible after the flight takes off (the improvement in transferring manifest is subject to the paper-free operation in separate programs).
Contact Point: Import Subsection II, Classification & Valuation Section I, Clearance Division I
TEL: +886-3-383-4265 ext. 208