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What is the clearance procedure for the declaration with Carnet?

To simplify the Customs import/export procedure of international commodities and import fast and tax-free temporarily, the Government of the Republic of China and other countries under bilateral agreements can use the Temporary Admission Carnet. The ATA Carnet is a international document that can replace the declaration document (no other import or export declaration form are required) and permit the tax-free temporary import of goods. The ATA Carnet includes four types (the first type is the principle page of the Carnet, the second type includes an exportation sheet and a re-importation sheet, the third type includes an importation sheet and a re-exportation sheet, and the fourth type includes two sheets, which are used for the clearance of transit goods). The period of validity of an ATA Carnet shall not exceed one year from the date of issuance. The carnet issuing body, the guaranteeing establishment and the holder have to sign to certificate this document.


Passengers carrying goods covered by an Carnet are obliged to fill out the “Customs Declaration Form of the ROC”(Contact point: Subsection 4, Section2, Inspection Division). The company’s goods by way of general cargo consignments also can be imported or exported through the carnet. (Contact point:Import Division and Export Division). The holder needs to sign to authorize the consignee to use the carnet before the Customs procedure. Thereafter the Customs shall register, file, inspect and verify goods pursuant to the carnet. If the cargoes with carnet can not be re-exported before the valid date, the import duties need to be levied.


Service time: 8:30~17:00

Contact Point: Duty Collection Section , Clearance Division I

TEL: +886-3-383-4265 ext.228

        +886-3-398-2293 ( Use by passenger)

Issued:Clearance Division I Release date:2022-11-29 Click times:977