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What is the time limit for duty-offset of imported materials for export products?

According to article 63 of Customs Act and article 18 of Regulations Governing the Offsetting or Refund of Duties and Taxes on Raw Materials for Export Products, manufacturer may apply for a duty refund or an offsetting of the accounts for export products, with relevant export documents, within one year and a half following the date on which the raw materials were released for importation. No application for duty refund or an offsetting will be accepted after this time limit. However, the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph may be extended under special circumstances approved by the Ministry of Finance. Such an extension shall not exceed one year.


Contact Point: Import Subsection III,  Classification & Valuation Section II , Clearance Division I

TEL: +886-3-383-4265 ext.2260

Release date:2024-10-25 Click times:223