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Can Mainland Chinas products which are not allowed to be imported be stored in bonded warehouses?

They can be stored in bonded warehouses based on the “Supervision Rules for Storage of Unapproved Mainland Chinese Goods at Bonded Warehouses and .” The related regulations are as follows:

1. Mainland Chinese products can be stored in bonded warehouses under autonomous management and exported to the third area in their original forms.

2. They can also be stored in bonded warehouses, which have been approved by the Customs to conduct restructure. Upon restructure, they are allowed to be exported or re-sold to other firms within the bonded area.

3. No application to the Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA is required for the aforesaid storage.


Contact Point: Clearance Division II

TEL:+886-3-383-4265 ext. 3110


Issued:Clearance Division II Release date:2024-11-28 Click times:252