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Export Cargo Clearance

Acknowledging that Taiwan is a trade-oriented economy, Keelung Customs (KLC) spares no effort in streamlining customs clearance procedures to facilitate international trade. The total volume of export declarations processed by KLC is about 1.3 millions annually, among which by-pass (C1) accounts for 85%. Most export goods are released right on the spot; examination of cargo is rare and mainly focused on those involved in IPR infringement, illegal shipment of stolen vehicles, and goods susceptible to fraud duty-refund, etc. In addition, to keep in line with the rapid development of global economy, KLC has adopted various measures to facilitate export cargo clearance, such as paperless clearance mechanism, integrated clearance procedures (for air-sea transit cargo) and one-stop service on holidays, among others.

Related Regulations & Directions:

1. Operational Directions for Customs Authorities in Implementing Measures for Protecting the Rights and Interests of Patent and Copyright(open another windows)

2. Regulations Governing Customs Measures in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Trademark(open another windows)

Last updated:2023-05-25 Click times:2717

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