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Trade Control

    Apart from duty collection and smuggling prevention, on behalf of other government agencies, Customs also enforces trade control at the borders in accordance with Foreign Trade Act, Regulations Governing Import/Export Commodities, and Regulations Governing Permission of Trade Between Taiwan Area and Mainland Area, etc. Such controls involve scrutiny and verification of import/export permit, certificate of quarantine, certificate of commodity inspection, license of communication device, approval of agricultural chemicals, import license of wine and tobacco, and certificate of origin, etc.

    As a major border agency, Customs has been dedicated to securing international trade, maintaining social security and public health as well as enhancing environmental protection. In addition, to further speed up cargo clearance, Customs puts a lot of efforts in streamlining trade document review process by advancing the computer networking system which connects Customs and other border agencies in order to fully automate the document cross-referencing procedures.

anti smuggling achievement-Pork hamstring
Last updated:2024-02-01 Click times:2203