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Duties and Jurisdiction

As one of the four regional Customs offices under Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance, Keelung Customs (KLC) provides services throughout northern and northeastern part of Taiwan, administering cargo and passenger clearance at Keelung, Hualien, Taipei, Suao ports and the offshore island of Matsu. The major duties of KLC are cargo clearance, revenue collection, smuggling prevention and trade-control enforcement.  The headquarters of KLC is located at Keelung Harbor, and four branches are separately located in Wudu, Bali, Taoyuan and Hualien.  KLC is administered by the Director, assisted by two Deputies and one chief secretary. In the branches, the branch directors are in charge.

Organization Chart of Keelung Customs Office

                                       Organization Chart of Keelung Customs Office

Last updated:2021-07-27 Click times:3541