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Brief Introduction to Multi-Country Cargo Consolidation (MCC)

I. Background:

In order to revitalize major international harbors in Taiwan to regain their competitiveness and attractiveness as global transshipment hubs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications launched the Multi-country Cargo Consolidation (MCC) program on October 14, 2015. The program allows shippers to optimize their cargo flow by bundling shipments from different countries and into the same destination together; the practice lowers operational cost and thus enhances the shipping industry’s global competitive edge.

Through modifying relevant regulations and simplifying procedures as well as establishing data management platform to facilitate the operation, the agencies concerned have jointly created a favorable business environment for MCC operators.

II. Definition:

Multi-country Cargo Consolidation (MCC) is a type of logistics activity wherein competent operators may consolidate LCL shipments (without changing the pattern of original package) from different countries to build Full Container Loads for transshipment.

III: MCC Operators:

1. Carriers: Carriers can act as MCC operators (i.e. T3 transshipment applicant). When carriers declare themselves as MCC operators, they should fill out on the manifest the detailed goods description, the manifest category code as “3,” and the stevedore place code approved by Customs.

2. Freight Forwarder: MCC operators (i.e. MCC cargo transshipment applicant). Freight forwarders who are authorized by carriers to be MCC operator can declare hatch cargo lists to Customs.

3. Container Terminal Operators: Transshipment warehouse operators who meet the requirements of Article 10 and 10-1 of “Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Containers Terminals” can stevedore MCC cargo and consolidate T3 transshipment cargo with other export cargo.

IV: Related regulations & directions:

 Regulations Governing the Customs Management of Freight forwarders (click here,open another windows)

Last updated:2022-09-30 Click times:3119