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Passengers Should Obey Declaration Regulations

Keelung Customs (KLC) indicated that with the relaxation of border control in various countries after COVID-19 pandemic, the number of Keelung Port passengers has gradually increased. Passengers shall declare their luggage in accordance with the regulations of declaration to avoid being penalized and resulting in delayed clearance.

KLC said, according to Article 7 and 11 of the Regulations Governing the Declaration, Inspection, Duty and Release of Personal Luggage or Goods of Inward Passengers, inbound passengers carrying luggage subject to import control or restriction and other articles listed below shall fill in the Customs Declaration Form and pass through the red channel (goods to declare) to declare to Customs.
1. More than 1 liter of alcohol (regardless of how many bottles) carried by passengers aged above 18; more than 200 pieces of cigarettes or 25 pieces of cigars or 1 pound of cut tobacco carried by passengers aged above 20.
2. Foreign currencies or negotiable securities with total face value exceeding the equivalent of USD10,000.
3. New Taiwan Dollar over NTD100,000.
4. Gold exceeding the equivalent of USD20,000.
5. Chinese Yuan exceeding RMB20,000; the excess amount shall be sealed and deposited with the Customs for temporary custody until the time of departure.
6. Aquatic products, animal and plant product.
7. Unaccompanied luggage.
8. Diamonds, precious stones and platinum (not intended for personal use) with an aggregate value exceeding NTD500,000 and might be used for money laundering.
9. Luggage with Customs value over NTD20,000.
10.Other matters non-compliant with the regulations of duty or declaration exemptions or need to be inspected by Customs for clearance.

Passengers passing through green channel (nothing to declare) without any declaration seized by Customs will be penalized by law. Outbound passengers carrying the excess currencies, negotiable securities, gold and other articles that might be used for money laundering listed above shall declare to Customs honestly.

KLC reminded that inbound passengers shall notice that whether the amount of medicine for personal use, agricultural and aquatic products, and medicine for environmental and animal use meets the regulations of duty or license exemptions. Please don’t carry any animal quarantine products like pork or pork products. If passengers have any questions about declaration, please go to Customs Departure Service Counter or red channel or visit Customs Administrative website (https://web.customs.gov.tw/en/, access: Homepage/ Travelers) for inquiries so as to facilitate clearance.

Passengers Should Obey Declaration Regulations

Last updated:2024-05-14 Click times:280