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About Taichung Customs

As one of the four field Customs under Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance, Taichung Customs secure the border of central Taiwan. Its jurisdiction covers five counties or cities from Miaoli to Yunlin in central Taiwan as well as the offshore areas of Taichung Port and Mailiao Industrial Harbor. Its major functions are duty collection and smuggling prevention. It handles the cargo clearance at Taichung Port, Mailiao Industrial Harbor, and Taichung International Airport. It is also in charge of the management of bonded factories, bonded operations in Taichung Export Processing Zone and Chungkang Export Processing Zone, as well as international post parcel clearance in central Taiwan (including Taichung City, Changhua County, and Nantou County).        


The head of Taichung Customs is the Director, who manages overall Customs operations with the assistance of two Deputy Directors. The Chief Secretary assists Director and Deputy Directors in all TCC affairs. The administrative units are Personnel Office, Civil Service Ethics Office, Budget, Accounting & Statistics Office, as well as Secretariat. The operational units include Clearance Division I, Clearance Division II, Bonding Division, Mobile & Non-Intrusive Inspection Division, and Inspection Division. (Refer to Organization Chart)






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