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Report of inward/outward Passengers or Crew members carrying money laundering controlled Items
Report of inward/outward Passengers or Crew members carrying money laundering controlled Items
Instructions Inward/outward passengers or crew members must declare to the Customs for the following items: (1) Cash more than TWD100,000, RMB20,000 or Foreign Currency exceeding the value equivalent to USD10,000, (2) Bearer Negotiable Securities exceeding the value equivalent to USD10,000, (3) Gold exceeding the value equivalent to USD20,000, or (4) Diamonds, Precious Stones, Platinum not for personal use and exceeding the value equivalent to TWD500,000. 
Procedures Please write in print.
Contact Person 0800-005-055
The Necessary Licenses or Documents Passport, Bording Pass, and relevant documents for inspection.
Working Day one day
Service Code  

For detail information, please refer to "Related Files" below.






Issued:Department of Investigation Release date:2020-08-08 Click times:954