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Regulations for the Review Operations of Bonded Warehouses Implementing Autonomous Management

Article 1 The review conducted by Customs on bonded warehouses implementing autonomous management shall be governed by these Regulations unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

Article 2 The Customs Offices shall form a review committee for bonded warehouses implementing autonomous management (hereinafter referred to as “the review committee”). The Deputy Director, assigned as the convener of the review committee, presides over the organization of relevant personnel to conduct the review and abolition of bonded warehouses implementing autonomous management or other related business.

Article 3 For implementing autonomous management, bonded warehouses operators may apply to the supervising Customs, or may undergo assistance and guidance provided by the supervising Customs in accordance with relevant regulations. After evaluation and approval by the supervising Customs, and upon submission to the review committee for qualified review, the application is then forwarded to the Director for final approval for implementation.

Article 4 When an application for implementing autonomous management is preliminary approved and delivered by the supervising Customs in accordance with these Regulations and Directions for the Operations for the Bonded Warehouses Operators Implementing Autonomous Management (hereinafter referred to as “the Directions for Autonomous Management Operations”), the convener of the review committee shall convene a meeting at a scheduled date to review the relevant written documents submitted by the operator in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, and to conduct on-site inspection. Upon approval of the review, the operator shall be notified . If the application is not approved, the review committee shall reply to the operator with comments regarding the reasons for not granting approval and providing the suggestions for improvement, and return all documents to the supervising Customs for further guidance and improvement.

Article 5 Application for the implementing autonomous management, delivered by the supervising Customs to the review committee, shall include supporting documents such as the conditions, the operating procedures for autonomous management, statements and reports, computer operation manuals and etc., as prescribed in these Regulations and The Regulations Governing the Autonomous Management Operations of Joint-Locked Warehouses, Container Terminals, Bonded Warehouses, Logistics Centers and Customs Accredited Establishments (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations for Autonomous Management Operations”), and the Directions for Autonomous Management Operations. The review committee shall review and make a decision within two weeks. If the review is qualified and approved, three copies of the above-mentioned documents shall be verified; one shall be returned to the operator, one shall be sent to the supervising Customs for future audit, and one shall be archived.

Article 6 Matters of review for bonded warehouses implementing autonomous management shall be as follows:

  1. The amount of capital and guarantee deposit shall comply with the provisions of The Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Bonded Warehouses.
  2. The bonded warehouse operator has no delinquent taxes and fines or has provided equivalent guarantees.
  3. The bonded warehouse operator shall install computers and the necessary connectivity equipment to process the accounting books, statements and reports, and warehouse in/out sheets of bonded warehouses, so as to transact the matters through electronic data transmission in accordance with customs related laws and regulations; the bonded warehouse operator shall have a complete computerized control and management system for the operations of the storage, collection, storage position, stock record changes, and entry and exit of cargo containers (or goods) to and from the warehouse. However, this requirement shall not apply if the bonded warehouse is for the storage of buck cargo or a single kind of cargo without packaging.
  4. The bonded warehouse shall have a sound management system and a normal operation. Additionally, there shall be no record of smuggling or severe theft of containers (or goods) stored in the warehouse for three consecutive years, and the employees do not take advantage of their positions to engage in illegal smuggling activities. However, the bonded warehouse under the following circumstances may be exempt from the three-year limitation mentioned above: 

    (1) A new application for a registered bonded warehouse for storing self-provided bonded goods.

    (2) The warehousing operators located within the control area of a seaport or airport, technology industrial parks, agricultural technology parks, or science parks have been established for less than three years.

  5. The bonded warehouse has comprehensive safety facilities which has been inspected and verified by Customs.
  6. The guardhouse at the entrance is equipped with a computer connected to monitor and manage the goods entering and leaving. Customs can conduct online inspections at any time and there are security personnel or dedicated personnel to carry out the security and verification check of containers (or goods) entry and exit of the warehouse, warehouse access, and warehouse patrol.
  7. The operator shall assign a designated person to open and close the door locks of the warehouse, patrol the warehouse, and set up a register to record relevant information.
  8. The warehouse gates and the designated area for storing China-made goods, which are not approved for importation by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, shall be installed with surveillance cameras with capabilities of 24 hours non-stop video recording, dynamic vision sensing, on-line monitoring by supervising Customs, and at least 30 days video storage. The warehouse operators shall extend the video storage of surveillance cameras to at least 90 days when deemed necessary by Customs. However, the operators whose warehouses are located in the control area of a seaport or airport and designated for the storage of bulk goods or unpackaged cargoes of a single kind are exempted from above-mentioned installation requirements.
  9. The operator shall assign dedicated personnel to examine the goods stored into the warehouse item by item, seal the goods exiting from the warehouse, and conduct warehousing activities for sample viewing, sample taking, survey operations, reconditioning, simple processing, and other business. Operators approved for implementing autonomous management shall designate employees who have passed the training and have certification of Customs or non-governmental institutions that have been examined and approved by the Customs in accordance with the Regulations for Autonomous Management Operations. These designated employees will be responsible for handling the matters approved for the implementing autonomous management in accordance with Directions for Autonomous Management Operations formulated by the Customs. These dedicated personnel shall have a domestic or foreign education attainment of senior high school or vocational high school graduate or higher or the same educational qualifications, and they shall have served in the relevant position for more than five years and have no record of severe smuggling violations. The dedicated personnel shall submit a dedicated seal, along with the signature of each member and the seal card of company, to Customs for acknowledgment. The dedicated personnel are responsible for handling autonomous management matters and contacting Customs. They accept the legitimate instructions from Customs officials, and shall report to Customs immediately if they find any illegal, law-violating, or other abnormal event.
  10. The warehouse shall be equipped with internet connection to receive and transmit warehouse in/out data, release message, container status, and print various tracking reports.

  11. The warehouse shall be equipped with special computer equipment and office space for Customs officers to conduct on-line inspection.

  12. For processing of data, the computer equipment shall record the time of the operation and the name of the operator. Computer data shall not be arbitrarily deleted. The information before correction or deletion shall also be archived for Customs inspection and verification.

Article 7 Bonded warehouses authorized to operate import and export warehouses or container terminals shall meet both the review conditions for the autonomous management to be approved for the implementation of autonomous management.

Article 8 Bonded warehouses that have been approved for implementing autonomous management shall be hung with a bronze board which length shall not be less than 120 cm and the width shall not be less than 25 cm at the front of the door bearing the name “Bonded Warehouse Implementing Autonomous Management of_____Company under the Supervision and Control of ______Customs of Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance”.

Article 9 Operators and the dedicated personnel of bonded warehouses implementing autonomous management shall properly conduct the autonomous management matters and procedures in accordance with Directions for Autonomous Management Operations.


Issued:Department of Audit Affairs Release date:2023-12-18 Click times:338