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Prohibited Pork Products Seized by Customs

Art editor ImgArt editor Img

Ham sausage 火腿腸

Art editor ImgArt editor Img

Sausage 香腸

Art editor ImgArt editor Img

Sliced Pork 豬肉片

Art editor ImgArt editor Img

Sandwich 三明治

Art editor Img

Pork pill 豬肉丸

Art editor Img

Rice dampling (with pork) 粽子(含豬肉)

Art editor Img

Rice cracker (with pork) 米果(含豬肉)

Art editor Img

Cookies (with pork) 酥餅(含豬肉)


Issued:Department of Information Management Release date:2019-05-14 Click times:1854