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What are the qualifications for all kinds of transit and transshipment applications?
  1. For those main carriers who declare manifest details, the transit/transshipment application can be declared by the main carrier or entrusted customs brokers.
  2. For those associate carriers who declare manifest details, the transit/transshipment application can be declared by associate carriers or entrusted customs brokers.
  3. For those forwarders who declare manifest details, the transshipment application can be declared by forwarders or entrusted customs brokers.
  4. In summary, those who transfer manifest details can entrust customs brokers to transfer a transit/transshipment application.

Types of transit/transshipment & credentials for declaration

T1-1. Carriers or forwarders who transfer import manifests and their entrusted customs brokers

      2. The enterprises in Science Park, Technology Industrial Park, Agricultural Technology Park, Free Trade Zone

          (hereinafter referred to as the four zones)  and their entrusted customs brokers

T2-Carriers or forwarders who transfer import manifests and their entrusted customs brokers

T3-Carriers or forwarders who transfer import manifests and their entrusted customs brokers

T4-1. Carriers or forwarders who transfer import manifests and their entrusted customs brokers
      2. Applicants for transshipment of ship supplies and their entrusted customs brokers

T6-Carriers or forwarders who transfer import manifests and their entrusted customs brokers

T7-Carriers or forwarders who transfer import manifests and their entrusted customs brokers

Issued:Department of Customs Clearance Affairs Release date:2024-06-12 Click times:135