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Declaration of transit cargo and its simplification measures
  1.  "Transit cargo" refers to cargo that is transported from foreign countries to domestic ports and then transferred to the Science Park, Technology Industrial Park, Agricultural Technology Park, and Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the four zones) within the same customs area, or transferred to other customs areas for import customs clearance.
  2. When declaring transit cargo, the carriers, the forwarders, the enterprises of four zones, or their authorized customs broker should submit the "Transit/Transshipment Application Form" using the electronic customs submission process (paperless submission). The write-off and clearance of cargo will be automatically carried out via a computer-based system.
  3. If the transit operation falls under any of the following circumstances, submission of T1 transit/transshipment application forms is not required:
    1. Transfer of cargo to the specified unloading location as indicated in the import cargo manifest.
    2. Cargo from combined shipping containers has been unpacked and entered into warehouses and then transferred to the four areas of the same customs area with other documents or information approved by the customs.
    3. Transfer of air cargo to any of the four zones within the same control area, accompanied by other approved documents or information from the customs.




Issued:Department of Customs Clearance Affairs Release date:2024-06-12 Click times:224