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Agricultural or Food Products

I. Limitation


Agricultural Products

Product name Quantity


Farm produce 6 kgs

 • Rice, peanut (roasted or prepared), garlic (prepared), dried lily flower, or dried mushroom and tea 1 kg or less each.

 • Fresh fruits are prohibited.

 • Live animals and their products are prohibited. Dogs, cats, rabbits (without limitation on 6 kgs) and animal products imported in accordance with the Act for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Diseases, or dried/prepared aquatic products are excluded from such restriction.

 • Live plants and their products are prohibited, but those in accordance with the Plant Protection and Quarantine Act are excluded from such restriction.

Products Made in China

Product name Quantity


Scallops 1.2 kgs

 • Rice, peanut (roasted or prepared), garlic (prepared), dried lily flower, or dried mushroom and tea 1 kg or less each.

 • Fresh fruits are prohibited.

 • Live animals and their products are prohibited. Dogs, cats, rabbits (without limitation on 6 kgs) and animal products imported in accordance with the Act for Prevention and Control of 
Infectious Animal Diseases, or dried/prepared aquatic products are excluded from such restriction.

 • Live plants and their products are prohibited, but those in accordance with the Plant Protection and Quarantine Act are excluded from such restriction.

Dried abalone 1.2 kgs
Edible bird's nest 1.2 kgs
Shark's fin 1.2 kgs
Aquatic farm produce 6 kgs
Canned goods 6 cans each  
Other food products 6 kgs  


※ For the passenger carrying agricultural products exceeding the foregoing quantity limits, an import permit issued by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) is required for customs clearance. Additionally, in the case of carrying milled rice in excess of the limit, a permit issued by the Agriculture and Food Agency, Ministry of Agriculture (AFA) is required as well.

※ Failure to declare the excess portion of controlled items, such as rice, peanuts, garlic, dried lily flower, dried mushrooms and tea leaves made in China, shall lead to confiscation of the goods in question, and/or a fine no more than three times the value of the goods.


II. Food Inspection

    1. Each passenger may carry food products (excl. those in tablet or capsule form, please refer to 「Medicines, Cosmetics and Medical Devices」) without the competent authority's approval if the quantity of one kind is under 6kgs and the totaled value of one kind is less than US$ 1,000.

    2. Otherwise, applying for food inspection to the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) is necessary prior to the customs clearance.


III. Contact Information
Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs (BOFT): +886-2-23510271, +886-800-002571

Agricultural and Food Agency, Council of Agriculture (AFA): +886-2-2393-7231 ext. 552

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (TFDA): +886-2-27878000



In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

Issued:Information Management Office Release date:2023-08-11 Click times:1474