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Most regulations imposed to crew members are the same as those imposed to passengers, e.g. Prohibited Items, Money Laundering Controlled Items,  EXCEPT the following specific regulations:

I. Exemptions

    1. Tobacco products (either one)

        a. 5 packs (20 pieces per pack) of cigarettes, or

        b. 20 cigars (cigars and cigarillos), or

        c. half a pound smoking tobacco

        ※ About the limit on the amount of Tobacco Products and Alcohols, please refer to 「Tobacco Products and Alcohols」.

    2. Small amount of permitted items for private use, e.g. bare necessities.


II. Limit on dutiable items
Crew members carrying dutiable goods shall declare to Customs ahead of the General Declaration (G/D) submission by the captain.

1. Dutiable items carried shall LESS than NTD 5,000 in aggregate value, and shall be imposed tariff following a declaration.

2. When dutiable items carried OVER NTD 5,000 in aggregate value, all of them shall be returned or shipped out of Taiwan following an honest declaration.

3. Items without a declaration shall be processed pursuant to the Customs Anti-smuggling Act or other governing laws.


III. Medicines

1. In the case of presenting a prescription or a supporting document, a crew member may carry medicines for personal use following the passengers' regulations. (Please refer to 「Medicines, Cosmetics and Medical Devices」.)

2. The medicine allowance for a crew member shall be reduced by half in the case of having no prescription or supporting document.

A prescription or a supporting document of one's own MUST be presented when it comes to controlled drugs and injectables


IV. Declaration procedure

1. Declaration
The dual channel system is not applicable to crew members and the captain shall present a crew manifest, General Declaration (G/D), to customs for crew clearance. Thus, crew members having goods to declare shall submit a written declaration form to customs AHEAD OF the G/D submission by the captain.

2. Inspection
Customs may conduct luggage inspection after receiving the G/D, where the written declaration shall no longer be accepted and items in violation shall be processed pursuant to the Customs Anti-smuggling Act or other governing laws.



In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

Issued:Information Management Office Release date:2021-09-10 Click times:328