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Kaohsiung Customs Urges Public Not to Import Pork Products from African Swine Fever Epidemic Areas by Mail to Avoid Violation of Laws and Penalties.

Kaohsiung Customs stated that to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF), they have strengthened the inspection on import parcels containing undeclared pork products from ASF epidemic countries or regions. In addition to the commonly scrutinized luggage of inbound passengers, strict inspections are also implemented on imported parcels.  They urge the public not to take a chances or believe rumors that small quantities are acceptable for import.

Kaohsiung Customs further reminds the public that the Central Emergency Operation Center’s website (https://asf.aphia.gov.tw/index.php) provides the latest information on epidemic areas and relevant news both domestically and internationally. The website also announces a list of “Prohibiting Postal Import of Pork Products from Countries or Regions Where AFS Occurred”, specifying that the import of pork product from the listed countries or regions is strictly prohibited. Therefore, Customs urges the public to check the origin of parcels or contact the senders to ensure they do not contain pork products when parcels are being sent from abroad to Taiwan, to avoid legal violations. This applies regardless of whether the parcels are for personal use, gifts, samples, commercial sales, or purchased by agents.


Contact: Clearance Division I, Kaohsiung Customs
Contact: Zhang, Jia-Fen


Issued:Secretariat Release date:2024-09-20